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How do i get over this?

Helloimjay October 12th

Hello. Im only 13 and am struggling with getting over SH. 

I haven’t done it in months but the thought occurs.

I feel so much better now that im not doing it, but how do I stop thinking abou it? I’d really like some advice from people who actually understand 💜

Apeatrice October 14th


Hello brave sh warrior. Thank you for reaching out in our community.

It taked a lot of strength to be clean for a month. Its a really big accomplishment. Hope you hang in there. 

Its kinda impossible to not have thoughts about sh. You can try to distract yourself by doing something like your favorite hobby, keep yourself busy with hw... But urges and thoughts are inevitable.

th3agle October 14th

same boat man, still tryna stop myself but *** try indulging yourself in hobbies and at worst, throw yourself into schoolwork and studying, did that before and got so bored i bid good riddance to my thoughts