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Things no one tells you about Self-Harm: Trigger Warning
by Jenna
Last post
September 7th
...See more Everyone mentions the same things when they talk about self-harm. This is what I wish someone told me about self-harm before I fell into its tight gripping claws. 1) It's not only the cuts/bruises/burns/scratches that you have to hide. You have to hide the bloodied tissues, the used band-aids, the band-aid wrapper, and the thing you used to harm. 2) When you shower the dried blood drips out of your band-aid and down your body creating little dark red, almost brown, colored streams. It scares you at first because you think it's opened again. 3) It becomes an addiction. It becomes the only thing that helps. 4) It eventually doesn't help anymore but you keep doing it in the hope it will. 5) Your body will scar and at first, you will like it but eventually, you get sick looking at them. 6) On a bad day, you run out of space. 7) Your band-aids will soak through your jeans or top after a shower and make an obvious square or rectangle patch. 8) They start to smell bad if not looked after. 9) You constantly think about them. 10) Your sleep will hurt and every move you make will too when they are fresh. You act as you like it. You don't. 11) People will never take it seriously enough. 12) They itch like mad whilst they heal. 13) You eventually get frustrated if it has no effect. 14) You don't cry when you do it. You feel nothing. Not. A. Thing. 15) It's so so so hard to escape it. 16) It isn't beautiful. It isn't a fairy tale. It won't help you find love. It is a monster that ruins lives. Please think of all these things before you hurt yourself. You don't want to. I sound like a hypocrite because I do but trust me, you don't want to fall down the dark hole that I and many other people are already in. Put down your fist, blade, lighter, cut your nail short, and get help.
Shine Bright: I am SH-free for ____ Days
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 1st
...See more Well done! 💪✨  (Number) days free from self-harm is a significant accomplishment.  Please take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience and celebrate with us. Here are a few points to reflect on and celebrate:  * What helped you stay strong these past few days? Was it a specific coping mechanism, a supportive person, or a personal mantra? Share your tips to inspire others. * What positive changes have you noticed since being SH-free? Maybe you have more energy, better sleep, or a renewed sense of hope. Reflect on the progress you've made. * What are you looking forward to in the future? Use this milestone as a springboard for setting new goals or focusing on activities you enjoy. * Write a message to your future self: What words of encouragement would you tell yourself for the days ahead? Start sharing with us. We believe in you. 
Summertime Check In
by Kristynsmama
Last post
June 20th
...See more
Been almost 5 weeks clean, strong.
by Sidezombie88
Last post
August 31st
...See more I feel good, actually, first time in a while. I like this feeling.
SH Trick
by reeseisgreat
Last post
June 27th
...See more hiya! new to this thread : 3 I'm currently a monthish sober of sh (woohoo!) and I js wanted to share a little trick my therapist taught me to help recover ik urges get strong as ***! that's ok!! what i was taught to do is actually hold ice any time you feel like relapsing or js shing in general. it's cold and not only acts as a calmer to ur nerves, it gets ur mind off it!! it also will hurt a bit if held for too long might not help everyone, but it rlly helped me!! : D
I just don't want to any one know
by anonyBeing3649
Last post
May 8th
...See more I just took SH tool and SH four times with it. The wounds are not big, but are visible and I don't want anyone to see it. what to do?
TW mentions of $h
by Tamikiii
Last post
April 22nd
...See more Ever since school and my other hobbies (mainly piano lessons and taekwondo) started, I've been so stressed to the point where it affected my mental health and my mental health affected the perfect relationship I used to have. It hasn't really ended well for me and so I started sh. My friends cleaned my wounds and tried looking for good alternatives for me but nothing just seems to work. Up to this day I still inflict pain on myself. But right now, I started getting clean for a maximum of 2 - 3 days and I end up doing it again. I really hope things get better for me.
Bad Habits
by Sparrow555
Last post
March 15th
...See more I'm autistic and have ADHD and anxiety. I pick my skin all the time (mostly my hands). Some of the time I don't notice when I'm doing it but even when I do I physically can't stop myself. I need to stop but I don't know how or what to do. If you have any advice, please let me know.
TW: Sh relapse...
by TheGambitSystem
Last post
February 17th
...See more tw: last night was rough for me. ace got really, really mad at me and he started to 'close off the exits.' he basically 'muted' the other headmates and cornered me, per-se. he started saying that i didn't matter, that without him, i was nothing, that he got me through when life was horrible, that i was a misstake, a liability to myself.  I tried to fight him as best i could. i tried breathing exercises, grounding, petting my cat, didn't work. i felt like i wasn't real. none of it was real and the walls were closing in. i had a panic attack and started shaking. i hallucinated that...well...someone...who's done...bad things...was coming and knocking on my door. i panicked, and asked ace to help me.  he just laughed at my lack of control and taunted me. i hazily remember getting a knife from the kitchen and sharpening it for a few minutes. then i sliced and cut my thighs. the blood running down my legs calmed me, and made me feel as if i were back in control. ace praised me...i hate myself for loving his toxic ways...  i retreated back into the mind and he took control, cleaning the cuts and bandaging them. we didn't say anything to our parents...and they think i am fine.. i'm not fine, i'm not okay, i'm not human, i'm not alright its too f*^$! loud in my head! i'm sorry, callie  -💛
About Recovery
by Aulyacu
Last post
February 6th
...See more 1. It takes time We cannot force ourselves to immediately forget the problems or pain we feel. By just taking a vacation to an island, then hoping that everything will recover. Healing is a matter of sincerity. So let it flow, don't rush. 2. Painful It's like a wound on the leg, it hurts when it's touched by asphalt, it hurts when it's cleaned with water and alcohol and iodine. Even though the wound eventually heals, the healing process is painful. 3. It will definitely leave an impression What is called a memory/problem that will never be forgotten. But if you have completely recovered, then you will just remember the incident as an ordinary memory without feeling as sad as when it first happened.
by HealerRecel02
Last post
December 10th, 2023
...See more Dear strong people that struggling with self-harm i wanted you to know that you are already enough even your mind said you are never enough. I know you will feel confused too and hurt then it lead you to self harm but believe me this shall too pass! I have been there too. It is never easy to get out from it but you are so much stronger than the demons that convince you to do that! you deserve better! I am so proud of you for trying ur best to get out from it!! you are not alone :) all listeners here will supporting you through your journey including myself! do not hesitate to pm me if you wanna talk about self harm, thank you for being yourself :)
The Cycle
by OllieRNLI999
Last post
December 3rd, 2023
...See more Below is an image sourced from MHF. I have only one question: How do you feel after reading that all of this is temporary?
Silicone gel
by nothingjustnothing
Last post
November 11th, 2023
...See more Guys is it true that silicone gel can help scars to fade away most of mine aren't that deep or big so I'm wondering if it's truly effective or just a scam
Keep clean with camp Jupiter
by TaylorTheFrog
Last post
October 28th, 2023
...See more Hello I had seen this post about when ever you feel like self harming to put a line like the Roman tattoos as a way for Percy Jackson fans and all who want to join to try to keep clean and i wanted to share it with you guys. Keep strong demigods you gif this (:
TW!!!! (SH)! Poetry
by proactivePlace3164
Last post
October 24th, 2023
...See more Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️ ( SH )  I remained clean but I think I am relapsing again. I am trying to control by writing something down I hardly wrote once before. This is me, trying to write today. please don't judge me for I am no poet. But it's a sad ending The Small Bird's Silent Agony In a world where two birds found their way, A big one, wounded, with a heart so kind, Saw a small one in pain, struggling each day, Tended to the little one, their destinies entwined. The big bird showed its scars, with love so deep, The small one fell in love, a bond began to bloom, But a silent pain, the small bird did keep, As the big bird, unknowingly, caused her heart to swoon. Slowly, the big bird longed for feathers so bright, Unaware they hurt, thinking it was love's sweet art, The small bird shared, though it hurt, day and night, To make the big one feel loved, tearing her apart. For every feather, she gave, her love was true, Yet with each one, a piece of her bled away, The big bird, oblivious, as love often misconstrued, Never knowing he caused her to fade, day by day. In the end, the last feather she did confide, Leaving a cut, a love-filled plea, She bled her love until the day she died, A tale of love and sacrifice, for all to see. ----💕----

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🌟 Again, thank you for joining our community, and we look forward to seeing your progress on your journey! If you have any questions, please reach out to the relevant leader 😊

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These guidelines are inspired by some communities around 7 cups! This is so we can adapt our little family to accommodate as many different life experiences and situations as possible. We recognize we cannot adapt to every circumstantial rule. However, we have outlined some of the common guidelines needed for our community. ❤️

✪ Please do not share any graphic images or descriptions of self-harm tools!

✪ Please do not mention the name of any tools used for self-harm in any area of the self-harm recovery community.

✪ Names of methods of self-harm are allowed to be shared in the group support room, but where possible please try to exchange a method name for the phrase "self-harm".

✪ When mentioning methods of self-harm or potentially triggering details of another topic in the forums, please put a trigger warning at the top of the post so people are able to click away from the post if they would like to. Additionally, please try to find an appropriate place within our forums to make your post. Certain areas are reserved for specific content, so please consider this when making your post.

✪ Pro-self-harm content will not be tolerated!

✪ Please be respectful to everyone, members and listeners alike.

✪ Remember, everyone's experiences are different. Please do not undermine or invalidate anyone's situation because it is not what most would consider "normal". We are a diverse community and have people from many backgrounds, so please always be respectful!

✪ General kindness, courtesy, and etiquette are heavily appreciated!

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