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Relapsed again

Mystictulip July 7th, 2023

I was clean for 43 days and like I was actually doing good this time but here we are, day 1 all over again..

YourCaringConfidant July 7th, 2023

@Mystictulip Hey there! First, I wanted to applaud you for making it 43 days clean. That is an accomplishment. I'm sorry you are back at day 1 again. Please be kind to yourself. 43 days clean tells me that you have great potential and that you can be consistent. You can do it. I believe in you. One day at a time and each day is an accomplishment in itself. Please take care of yourself. I'm rooting for you.

psychosimmerlove July 7th, 2023

Everyone relapses at times. I was in your position, but over time that 43 days becomes 143 days. Just don't give up and one day you'll get there

Sparklingdiamonds July 7th, 2023

@Mystictulip 43 days is an amazing accomplishment. I'm sorry 😞 that happened but I believe that you are very strong since you made it to that milestone marker of nearly 50 days. You can do it again!!!!!!

GrimSox July 7th, 2023


Mystic! 43 days is an amazing feat. Never belittle your accomplishments 😊 in the end, you'll see that every single bit helps. You will see this help in your coming streaks. Recovery is never a straight line from point A to point B, it is very tricky and often times it feels we're back to square one. But no! Just one or few relapses don't take away 43 victories! You have successfully watered your tulip plant for 43 days and missed one day, and that's alright! You can water it the next chance you get 😊

This could be an opportunity to be curious, as in, what can you change in your approach the next time. Self-blame can come easy, but that doesn't invalidate your efforts. I can understand the pain and deflation that comes after you've relapsed, but trying to see your habit compassionately can be healing. I hope this tiny setback becomes just an episode in your war. All my well wishes for you, tulip❤️❤️❤️