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How to move beyond triggers and deal with root poblem

User Profile: PaulaUp
PaulaUp May 7th, 2024


Trigger warning, 

Just trying to put down my thoughts and feelings.... 

I used to self harm about 7 years ago for around a year. I don't really remember the details. It was quite bad. It's always stayed with me. Even now when people see my scars and ask about them I don't know how to talk about it.

Somehow I managed to stop, I don't really remember how. Then I relapsed twice or so a few years ago but not fully because I couldn't stand the blood anymore. It didn't "help" me like it used to. I had learned other coping skills that stopped me from doing it. 

Over the last year or so I guess I felt like SH again. And I guess I did "different forms" (other than cutting) that aren't as noticeable and "less" harmful to the body. But still there was self-loathing and frustration and helplessness. I mostly manage to keep myself from doing anything most of those few times I feel like SH. 

But I realised that the triggers have changed, and I don't know how to deal with that. I don't know how to deal with difficult emotions and conflict especially those that involve other people.

I've found there is a deeper meaning behind the triggers and that there MUST be a way to resolve them.... I just haven't figured it out yet...

User Profile: Kristynsmama
Kristynsmama May 7th, 2024


Thank you so much for sharing your story.  SH is something that is really hard to overcome and you seem to be doing a great job of overcoming it- even if you face slips or relapses along the way.

Have you been able to identify any of your current triggers?  Triggers can definitely change over time.  I know mine have definitely changed.

What is one thing you can do when you have the urges that might distract you or help you to not act on the urges?


1 reply
User Profile: PaulaUp
PaulaUp OP May 9th, 2024


Thanks for your reply! 

I feel like I definitely know my triggers in general. However the nuances are too complex for me to understand and that's what I struggle with. Like I just can't pinpoint why exactly something is upsetting and triggering for me. And how I can change it.  

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User Profile: Barry4
Barry4 May 9th, 2024

Same. You’re not alone here. Continue to focus on your healthy coping mechanisms.