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Scoliosis and self esteem

intuitiveGrapes8500 August 10th

Hi everyone. I've been diagnosed with scoliosis a couple of years ago and I had to wear a back brace. ( I don't use it often anymore) I know many people are diagnosed with it but over these past few years my self confidence had gone down and since it's visible I'm constantly reminded that I'm not as good as others and I'm different. I have my own dreams but I constantly doubt myself and my mind is filled with negative thoughts. Sometimes I feel like giving everything up but then again I realise it's too late and just move on with my daily activities. I don't want to live feeling down like this all the time, so it would be a great help if anyone can suggest me a way to get better :)

Tinywhisper11 August 10th

@intuitiveGrapes8500 awww sorry sweetie 😥 back problems are not nice, and very painful. The thought of being seen as different or feeling not good enough🙁 it's just heartbreaking to see how disabilities can have such a powerful impact on our mental health. I wish there was some way I could help you, I know theese pains aswell. Adjusting to a disability takes time, and courage. Which I know you have in you ❤ and when giving up seems to be the only option, reach out here like you just did, or to people around you. You never have to go through theese struggles alone ❤ hugs you tightly ❤ I'm right here for you ❤

intuitiveGrapes8500 OP August 10th

Thank you so much ❤️ Your words mean a lot to me❤️

Tinywhisper11 August 10th

@intuitiveGrapes8500 ❤❤❤ I'm here for you ❤ if there's anything I can do I will ❤ hugs you tightly ❤

PineTreeTree August 10th

@intuitiveGrapes8500 Don’t compare yourself to others. The conditions we are given in life can be really challenging. Don’t focus on your challenges. They don’t define you. You are so much more. 

intuitiveGrapes8500 OP August 10th

I'll keep that in mind in the future!❤️😋

toughTiger6481 August 10th


I understand how it can make someone feel different and such ... when i was in school a friends had a diagnosis and had the back brace she wore most all the time.

Instead of being embarrassed or feeling bad her strength was educating others about the condition.... I was amazed at her strength and resolve to make the most of the situation. 

Tinywhisper11 August 11th

@intuitiveGrapes8500 just checking in😁❤ how are you feeling today??

intuitiveGrapes8500 OP August 13th

I'm doing alright, thanks for asking ❤️😃

Tinywhisper11 August 14th

@intuitiveGrapes8500 I'm glad ❤ I'm a tag away of you ever need to talk ❤

akunknown August 13th


I had scoliosis when I was younger and had to wear a back brace at home, school, everywhere. Not fun. Kids and other people would laugh and make fun of me, say offensive jokes, tease me, and everything else. That just made it worse than it already was. If I remember right my scoliosis was caused by too many days of carrying around a really heavy backpack full of heavy textbooks around school everyday. Even my principal was shocked that this is what kids were forced to carry around with them everyday. At the very least I’ll get scoliosis from that. 

Anyway so I understand what you’re going through and am sincerely sorry that you’re going through it. I’m here for you if you ever need or want to talk. Just reach out to me whenever you want. Soon as I get your message I’ll read it and reply back right away. Sending you love and support along with friendly and supportive hugs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Just like I eventually got through it, you will get through it too. I know that bc I’ve already been through it all myself.