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User Profile: moonlight2210
moonlight2210 February 4th, 2024

To be honest, I don't know what to say besides hello.

Lately my self-esteem issues just seem to be going into a tailspin.

I gained weight recently, a disgusting ten kilos, and if that has me very bad, it's not the only thing but in general I can live with my complexes, I hate my nose and the way my eyes seem to sink from the use of glasses

But I really have to stop self-deprecating, even though I am aware of my self-esteem problem it wasn't really until this week that I urgently realized that I had to talk about it with someone, and sadly I don't have empathetic people around me, every time I eat something I get nauseous and end up throwing everything up, I feel like ***, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to avoid it, I don't know how to leave it, it's a delicate subject, but I don't have anyone to turn to.

User Profile: quietLime7339
quietLime7339 February 5th, 2024

Hi, thank you for sharing. I didn’t realize until this week either that I urgently needed to talk to someone as well, as I have a lot of thoughts about self harm. It is a very delicate subject indeed, and I don’t feel I have people in my external environment either that I can talk to about things like this. I’m grateful that I found this app that helped me realize that I am not just “too sensitive” as I’ve been told in the past and that there are other people like me who are dealing with the same things.

I grew up with binge eating disorder and only truly stopped doing it regularly over the past six months. There is also an eating disorder recovery group here on this app if you aren’t in it and may be interested in joining. I have the same issue with feeling nauseous when I eat, as my body is so used to me eating too much, that now even when I eat a healthy amount, I still get nauseous.

The only thing I can say is to take it slow. Try to be as intuitive as you can with how/what you eat as well as anything else in your life. I’ve always needed braces very badly but can’t afford health insurance and my weight has been fluctuating, pretty much since puberty began about 13 years ago. I struggle with self-esteem issues because of these things. Try to find things that you like about yourself and your appearance, and try to focus on that. Write it down if you think it will help you. I am here for you ♥️