Any Advice?
I want to start building my self-esteem but I am not sure how I would start. Self-esteem has been a problem for me since around 4th grade and I am in 8th grade now, This whole thing started when someone commented on my weight and that's when I started feeling self conscious about my weight but I didn't really do anything to change it until now, right now I am just changing my diet because I can't really go to the gym, but yeah that's my thing. If you have any advice to how I can build my self esteem than that would be greatly appreciated. ☺️
SELF esteem is interesting ......... Because is how we see ourselves and yet we let a unkind comment effect it so much. I am a big fan of letting it go... when we have a talk with people and days later we barely remember details ... but if they made one negative and hurtful comment we replay it in our head over or over. we may remember the day it happened for years.... let it go
The reality is many things in life change weight is one ......i would imagine at your age you may have more growth in height that changes how any weight is distributed etc. Any change you want to make do it for YOU not because anyone said something to you. Many things you can do with out a gym yoga/ and basic exercise IF that is what you want not because someone else made a comment.