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Introducing the "Teen Safety Tips" Campaign!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 March 12th, 2024


Staying safe is crucial, but we can do it together as a strong, informed community! Every week, we (Community Team and Ambassadors) will be sharing one valuable tip to help you navigate everyday situations with more awareness and confidence.

Look for the new category in our first post next week: Teen Safety Tips here in the Safety and Knowledge community, which you should subscribe to by clicking the (+Join button on the right-hand side of the page.

Upholding safety is a community-wide responsibility, therefore we want to include you!

Do you have a teen safety tip you'd like to share? If you'd like to submit a tip to be featured in an upcoming post, submit via this form or PM @Heather225. Teens and ATLs encouraged to participate!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP March 12th, 2024

Tips to help teens feel comfy here on 7 Cups are especially welcome but feel free to share any bit of general wisdom you've picked up!

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 13th, 2024

Don't allow a bad situation to become worse because you're afraid to disappoint someone or of consequences.

We all make mistakes, do something we know we shouldn't. Once that happens there may be people who will try to weaponize that, using that information to control.  Complying with their demands almost always makes the problem much bigger. Don't give them that control. Instead, reach out to a trustworthy person. 

This is true on and off 7 Cups.

1 reply
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers March 13th, 2024


a great tip, affy! thank you! <3

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User Profile: YourCaringConfidant
YourCaringConfidant March 14th, 2024

@Heather225 I look forward to reading the upcoming teen safety tips. However, since I am here I have a message for all teens (anyone really)...

Often times teens can be very vulnerable. Sometimes you may come across an adult who is just so nice and friendly and "friendships" form on here. My safety tip is under NO circumstance do you allow yourself to go offsite with anyone! I don't care how nice they are. I don't care how honest and trustworthy they seem. Never see it as ok to have offsite communication. There's so many wonderful, beautiful people on here, but not all have good intentions. Danger is real-- anywhere we go. There are people who prey on the young and manipulate them. Please be safe and mindful. Please always trust your gut. 

I don't say this to make anyone scared. I just wanted to stress the importance of why this should never happen. Teens, you all should be protected at all cost and your safety and well-being matters and so do you. 

Obviously, everything I said can apply to both teens and adults. Stay safe everyone please. ♡