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not a big deal at fact i dont really know if this is the right place to ask this but...whatever lol

eyesackakaisaac April 17th, 2015

So i met my girlfriend on my online school a few months ago and we are gonna meet in real life really soon...and i dont know how to say her name and i feel terrible about it. its spelled Gewel. is it said like jewel? or what. i dont want to meet her in person and not know how to say her name right...

AngelaKatrina April 17th, 2015

I would just go ahead and pronounce it Jewel. You can follow that up by asking if you pronounced it right. She can't really fault you for not knowing given the context of the situation. She cares about you. Take a breath. It will be ok.

eyesackequalsisaac April 20th, 2015

ok thank you everyone!

EmselBug123 April 17th, 2015

When you meet up you could introduce yourself and she may follow and introduce herself?