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does anybody had a cyst in brain

Lexi9715 May 31st, 2015

I have a cyst in my brain and doctor is talking about surgery I'm scared because of high risk I just want to know if anyone had it done before and can tell me all about it? I want to know what they did and what kind of treatment afterwords

Anomalia June 2nd, 2015

Hi @Lexi9715 - I haven't experienced anything like that, so I won't be able to help there, but I wanted to just say that I am sorry you are going through this, and you'll be in my thoughts. Take care, sweetie.

jana1974 June 4th, 2015

first of all i like to sorry you bee going through something like this soooo... young but at the same time as we all know something like this don'thave a age on it young older whatever age it is it is never nice to be sick . and also yes i know a couple people with your problem with the surgery and with out and if i would be you i would look in to it to find the best of the best surgeonthat know that they doing and i would also talk to not one DR. but even 2 or 3 just to know the your option you have and of coursei put it in the lords hands and i believeyou be okay also i would not try to ask to many people if they have been in hat surgery and o tell you about it and of course don't try to look it up to much because it can pull you done because not everybodyis the same some of it will be okay to listen to and some of it will be scaring you really bad what i believe anybody needs because it will pull you done really bad more then what you in now so if i would be you i put it in gods hands and i believe you be okay and if you ever need to talk please feel free to send me a not and we can talk at any time you need to thank you for your time and please be save always so long you have love peace and happiness and of course fait in the lord i really believe you be okay ...

Konekoscott567 July 3rd, 2015

i would seriously consider taking the doctors advice to get it removed by the sounds of it it may be cancer if you leave it too long the cyst can grow and cause brin damage and could leave u unable to walk and it could kill you especially if ts cancer if it is and you leave it too long the cancer can spread to other parts of the body even after its removed because the cells can multiply and get into your blood and when it gets in the blood it can be even worse than if its in the brain lukemia can be one it can affect ur kidneys ur stomach everything i would seriously have it removed and tested for cancer

Konekoscott567 July 3rd, 2015

i wish you the best of luck