Where to post?
I have a support worker that is supposed to keep in regular touch and support me but I am constantly feeling neglected. She is supposed to have a face to face visit every week and 1-2 phone calls too.
I hardly ever get to actually see her and she rarely phones when she says she will and I don't like making contact and this can go on for weeks before any contact is made. I really like her, she is kind and I don't feel judged but I don't know how to say how this is making me feel because then I feel guilty!!!
My communication skills are incredibly poor despite being educated and somewhat intelligent? This has been bothering me for so long that I'm really losing trust because of the constant let downs. I just don't know how and if I should actually address it???
And the reason for this post???? Which sub forum should this post go in????
thanks x
From what I'm understanding you are having a caregiver with whom however you aren't very much in touch lately.
The right forum might be Caregivers Support Community. Do you want me to move this there?