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Personal Referal Links

myscreenname March 16th, 2015

How exactly do these links work and what exactly is their purpose? im new to 7 cups and im a bit lost here x.x

March 16th, 2015

Hi @myscreennameTo get referral clicks, you can go to your dashboard and look for a link that looks something like this (that is my referral link). It should be located on your left part of the screen, just below your chats. You can copy it and share it with your friends, family, on social media, forums etc. When any new person clicks on that link, they will be redirected to the 7cupsoftea home page and you will get +1 referral click.

​This was made to encourage users to share this website and to increase chances for new people who might need someone to talk to, to check 7cupsoftea out. So feel free to paste your personal referral link anywhere you think people might be interested in this kind of website.