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New & need help/Navigation

LostAndAlone66 November 3rd, 2015

Is there a way on the app to follow/friend members, so we can easily find them to chat? Sometimes you connect with a person in the forum, & I'm not sure how to message them or talk to them one on one. I have a rare brain illness that comes with severe cognitive issues, so I get confused easily. I'm having real trouble navigating the site. Took me 2 hours yesterday just to learn how to upload a photo. I also couldn't find a basic "FAQ" thread to help new members who are new to the app/site, with navigating around here. It's so lovely here, but I'm having a really rough time trying to figure it out, & my cognitive confusion causes frustration & I end up closing the app.

Can someone please help me?


Amelia November 3rd, 2015


I'm so glad you reached out! Why don't you send me a PM (click on my name and then click on leave message) and I'll answer your questions in there so I can walk you through the things you need help with :).