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Listener response time?

underthemoonlightdust October 1st, 2015

When a listener answers your call or whatever it's called..and you start telling them what's wrong/interacting with them,how long are you suppose to wait for them to respond back?Because,some listeners ive talked to will stop responding for hours it seems and I'm left wondering why im even bothering trying to talk to anyone?It's already difficult for me to share issues with people,especially strangers and when listeners take more than 5 mins to respond even a half and hour sometimes,it's really annoying.I'm just wondering if this is how all listeners are?

underthemoonlightdust OP October 1st, 2015

**And btw they don't even mention they'll be right back or anything so I'm left wondering,if they'll even respond back to me,which i find rude and not being a very good listener.Why take calls if your just gona ignore people or take a really long time to get back to them?

Harry53 October 1st, 2015

Your listener should respond within a minute or two and if thats not possible s/he should let you know there is going to be a delay. Its really unfortunate that you have had such a negative experience. I am not at all surprised that you feel annoyed. There are many good listeners on the 7 Cups website who take their role and responsibilities as a listener very seriously. I hope you dont give up on finding one!

underthemoonlightdust OP October 1st, 2015

@Harry53 Thanks,I have found some alright ones.Was just wondering if it was normal to have some one take that long and not say there will be a delay,if my expectations were just different than the way things were suppose to be.

Kallie112358 October 1st, 2015

hey I'm so sorry this has happened to you. unfortunately sometimes things happen in real life such as our Internet dropping out or an emergency which can delay our replies. I hope that the listener explained the delay to you and apologised.

underthemoonlightdust OP October 1st, 2015

@Kallie112358 I hadn't thought of those things,i'll try to remember that,thanks for bringing them up and responding :) yeah none of them brought that up to me.I have found some alright listeners though.

heartsNcupcakes October 1st, 2015

Im sorry you've had a bad experience thus far. Honestly speaking, there are hundreds of listeners and they aren't all the same. As unfortunate as it is there are some that get distracted or caught up in something or are indisposed after taking the chat and cannot respond. In times like those dont give up, just on to the next.

heartsNcupcakes October 1st, 2015

PS. I sincerely hope you find the support that you deserve.

Niknak003 October 2nd, 2015

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. There are certain reasons why a listener would suddenly stop responding, or take a long time to respond, and some of those reasons are legitimate, such as emergencies, Internet problems, etc. Regardless, however, listeners should respond to members and guests as soon as possible. Me personally, I always make sure that I respond within five minutes. Sometimes I have a tendency of typing all my thoughts in one go, so usually if it's starting to get pretty lengthy, I send my message and continue typing the rest so that the person I'm talking to knows I'm still there. I also do the same kind of thing when I wait for a member or a guest's response. If I see that they're still typing I wait. If they haven't responded to me within five minutes I ask if they're still there. Then, if they still don't respond, I kindly say goodbye and move on to a different chat. It's also trial and error, so just keep trying and looking for a listener who will respond to you as soon as possible. Best of luck. :D