Is there a path or forum that deals with guilt?
Part of my depression is feeling guilty about a lot of different things, most of which at out of control or happened a long time ago. I've worked through the depression path and didn't find much that dealt directly with guilt. Does the forgiveness path deal with that at all, or is it mainly forgiving others? Thanks.
Hey there, lovely, thank you so much for your question! I'm not certain as to what the content of the growth paths are, but I'm going to pull up some resources that you may find helpful - it seems that there's a definite lack of a forum dedicated to self forgiveness and guilt, perhaps we could get one set up! I would love to work with you to get one in action, please do message me :)
Self-Forgiveness - A Short Video Message & Discussion
I'm going to tag in some people who might be able to explain more about the content of the different Growth Paths: @Pat, @Amelia, @Krinkthemellowunicorn