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I have a self harm question.

LexieStrickland August 29th, 2015

To start this out, I am trying to stop, and I have been really good about not self-harming. Please do not lecture me or anything. I am seeing a therapist, and my parents know, and we're working with my psychiatrist. So anyway, I have a couple of questions.

1: Obviously, how can I hide it? I wear bracelets, but since my parents know, if they start getting suspicious, they can check.

2: (The big one) How can I refrain from telling them? I can't quite explain it, but I have this thing, where I literally HAVE to tell my mom (I get along better with her on this subject) Please do not tell me "Oh just tell her, don't do it all" It's not that easy. So please, just tell me how to refrain from telling her, and how to do it without feeling dreadful and guilty until I break and tell her.

Thank you, and again, I know it is bad, I know I should not do it, but nothing you say is going to stop me. So please answer the question or don't comment at all. Thank you.

heatherh11 June 14th, 2016


Hi friend,

As someone who struggles with self-harm, I know the struggles of hiding scars. Bracelets are definitely a good thing. Concealer (like makeup) could also be helpful. Long sleeves - I know it's a drag. Fingerless gloves that cover your wrists if that's your style? Also, I always change with the door closed and locked to be sure no one sees. It's a simple thing that can help a lot.

I'm really glad you're talking with a therapist. That's a great step. For talking with your mom, I can honestly tell you that I only told my mom in bits and pieces, and never have told her actually what is going on. YOu're not a bad person for not telling her. There are some things that are too painful for a parent to know.

I'm glad you're seeking help. Please keep fighting. I'm right there with you.