Appreciation points
Alright,so i have some questions aboutAppreciation points
1.what areAppreciation useful for? listeners give youAppreciation points? if not then how do you earn them?
thanks in advance
What are coins for and how are they earned? Thank you. Have a super fantastic day.
Hi @nikoszn1, @share! Appreciation hearts and coins can be earned only in the chatrooms.
If you make a positive/helpful comment the listener or another member can 'heart' it which will help you earn 1 appreciation heart and 10 coins.
In addition to what @smile2900said, with the "coins" this thread [Hearts and Coins] says that the coins are there so that users can be able to use it purchase gifts for one another in the future to express gratitude (I suspect some sort of virtual gift.)You can read a more in-depth explanation on the link I have shared above.