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Know yourself

Jay2Be September 25th, 2021

Once you know your self impossible is nothing.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2021

That sounds interestingly good , thanks for sharing @Jay2Be 😊

Knowing ourselves is often the pursuit of life, hopefully we get closer to it with every passing day !

resourcefulPond1641 October 4th, 2021


It certainly helps to know yourself; but that alone won't be enough to keep you safe online, or in the world. Sometimes negative things just happen, even if you are as careful as possible.

I think their can be a danger in suggesting that the reasons these things happen are somehow the fault of the victim not knowing themselves enough or not having good enough boundaries. I'm sure you mean well; but since you posted this in the area regarding knowledge about safety, I wanted to add my input. Because victim blaming can often be a real problem. Not that I am implying that was your intention, but it can come across that way sometimes when people make general statements like this.