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Krishna who is also knows as creator helped jesus to find the path

User Profile: Icecreamsoul
Icecreamsoul July 15th

Jesus is son of god and he cares every one and observe our mistakes and he helps us to escape punishments... 

so As per bhagavad geeta krishna says i am the one who created have right to destroy so yeah things are soo good in every religious books that good came to world to help us and they always watch us and forive us. 

keep praying it clears your suffering no matter which caste you belong to and which religioun you follow.downloadfile_1721036089.jpg

User Profile: Athena108
Athena108 July 15th


Loved the image.

Radhe Radhe!

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User Profile: Icecreamsoul
Icecreamsoul OP July 15th



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User Profile: Gargi07
Gargi07 July 27th


Wowwwww it's incredible.......jai shree krishna ✨

User Profile: smilingnivedita
smilingnivedita October 9th

@Icecreamsoul, Krishna Lord believes in compassion and so does Jesus. Very lovingful article and I just dont know what to say.