Hi, what do you do to practice or be involved with 👀 spirituality!🌟 ? 💮
I practice astrology, numerology and self-care tarot and other cards (I have six decks and am hoping for a couple more for Christmas ⛄🎁) 😁😁😁
Thanks for asking...what about you? This is a very interesting question!
Practice yoga regularly, sometimes meditation, astrology is interesting… looking for more ways of how to practice spirituality.
Have you thought of looking to nature? That's something I've been exploring for a couple years. What animals means, how nature reflects aspects of our beings.
Today I'm wearing an elephant and orca.
Elephants are considered the most auspicious of signs. They symbolize gentleness and self-control. When out of balance, trust will bring one back. To me it's about safety and security.
The orca is about family...the original ones and the one you create. Who one surrounds themselves with. For me it's about adventure, independence and learning to believe in myself.