Christian in a family of atheists
As the title says, I'm a Christian in a family of atheists. I'm really worried for them, is there anything I can say/do that will help them be saved?
@fairmindedMelon5398 I cannot answer your question becaues I do not know if they are living an ethical life and just not interested in religion or if they are doing harmful things to themselves or others.
i believe that all religions and no religious beliefs can be an acceptable life if someone is keeping good standards of morality and not harming others. Everyone finds a religion that suits them. If someone chooses not to believe what I believe, that is okay with me. What I consider helpful they might consider a violation of their freedom of belief.
I think you can always treat people kindly and try to have a good relationship with them. I think if I try to force my beliefs on others, it might create an obstacle that might be difficult for them to overcome in the future and might actually be a hindrance.