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Prayer for my brother

Figgy50 July 4th

Hi everyone

I am asking for prayers for my brother. He was having throat issues and today they did an endoscopy and found a lump in his throat. I'm very worried of what it could be (The C) I don't want to say it. I'm praying whatever it is is benign and curable. My brother was finally coming off of some other issues he was having and now had a setback.

I'm really scared right now. Ive got alot of negative stuff going on and this is one thing added to it. 😭😭

Thank you 

Tinywhisper11 July 5th

@Figgy50 😥 I'm so sorry sweetie, I will keep your brother and you in my prayers ❤ hugs you tightly ❤ I really hope and pray he will be ok ❤ we're all here for you ❤❤

Figgy50 OP July 5th


Thank you Tiny!❤️❤️

calmMango9611 July 5th

@Figgy50 Praying right now for them. 

Dear Heavenly Father, you have heard this person's prayer request.  We ask for your healing touch for their brother and not only them, but for Figgy as well. In Jesus name we pray. Amen and Amen. Let it be so. Let it be so.

Figgy50 OP July 5th


Thank you Mango :)

LittleEggHarbor July 6th


Heavenly Father,

We come before You with heavy hearts, lifting up Figgy's brother who is facing a serious health concern. We pray for Your divine intervention and healing. Lord, please place Your comforting hand upon him and grant him strength and peace during this difficult time. We ask that the lump in his throat be benign and that whatever treatment is needed be effective and swift.

Father, we also pray for Figgy, who is deeply worried and carrying many burdens. Surround her with Your love and support, and ease her anxiety with the reassurance of Your presence. Help her to find strength in Your promise and to feel the comfort of Your unfailing love.

In Your holy name, we pray.


I hope this brings you some comfort. If you need to talk more, I'm here for you.
Figgy50 OP July 6th


Thank you Egg❤️❤️ 

Figgy50 OP July 9th

@Tinywhisper11 @calmMango9611 @LittleEggHarbor

Thank you so much for your prayers. Unfortunatly it turned out my brother had cancer :( (Throat cancer and it spread to his lungs.)

I talked to him today and he said he feels fine so far. 

Please pray for my mom and dad too. I know they're scared and not showing it. 


Tinywhisper11 July 9th

@Figgy50 😞😞 I'm so sorry sweetie 😥 my heart goes out to you, your brother and parents, you have all been kept in my prayers, and I will continue to pray for you all ❤ we are right here for you, don't be scared to reach out here for support ❤❤ hugs you tightly

MindfulJourney22 July 19th

@Figgy50 I hope that he get well soon may the universe bless your brother and your family

Ansvia July 19th

@Figgy50 Hey Figgy, Praying for your brother and his stage four cancer.  Dear God please keep close Figgy’s brother in your gentle embrace.  Please shepherd him in his time of need.  If it is Your divine will O’ Lord please heal him.  Please cure him of his throat cancer.  You are love Lord!  Show him Your benevolent compassion O’ Lord.  In Christ Jesus name - Amen!

Figgy50 OP July 19th

@Ansvia Thank you so much!❤️🙏🏻