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Does He Like Me?

xXKalikaStormXx March 2nd, 2020

So I've been crushing on this guy for over a year, and we're really close, we confide in each other about a lot of things. We buy each other food (though I don't ask for food from him a lot, his family is struggling financially.) He got me cookies and a brownie a few days ago. When, after a dance, we went to get ice cream. He found he couldn't afford both of our ice creams, and he told the employee to get just my ice cream, which was just so kind. I paid for our ice creams, so it's all good. He told me he wasn't ready for a relationship, and I respect his decision. I've just never felt so close to a guy before. I'm closer to him than my ex (yeah, we're that close.) He knows I'm a furry, something I've only told him and my dad. It's something I'm kind of scared to tell people, and I trust him so much I told him that. Plus, we hang out almost every week, for hours on end. His stepdad even has a nickname for me, and I get along with my crush's brother and his mom really well. He also invited me to some events, like his brother's suprise birthday party. I don't know if he likes me or not, I'm still asking him to prom though. Of course, we're probably going as friends.

healingWhisper May 17th, 2020

@MangleTheFox21 thank you for sharing this with us. Hopefully you figure it out if he likes you or not and you are feeling better :)