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Was cutting ties to my former friend worth it?

narfthekat February 20th, 2022

Hello, I have this one problem and it's quite long, I needed this rant.😅

So I have this friend, let's call her Luna. She's a really protective and a lovely friend that I had since elementary and I fully trust her.

Since Luna is gonna move to another region in the country, we kept in touch in high school. However, she blocked me without notice. I thought she just deactivated her account so I let her be.

A year later she reached out to me (that was when I was a total mess), she told be everything and she was sorry and I gave her a chance. We catched up, and eventually later on, I opened up about my depression, and what happened and all, include some jokes to make it not too uncomfortable to talk about but she just talked me down about how I'm faking it and gaslight me. I civilly tried to talk that I just want to get it off my chest and that she deserves to know but she disregarded my point and continues to talk bad, talk about how depression is fake and ppl only does it for a trend and make me look like a bad person. I cutted her off after that, and it really shattered me and it made me feel even more awful. I'm still wondering if that friendship was worth ending for.

I lost a lot of friendships that end really badly, and it's been making me feel down if it was worth it. ;(

discreetGrapefruit945 February 22nd, 2022


Sorry to hear it but don't worry it's worth it. It's ok. They were all fake and you deserve even better. Don't worry about it. One day you will definitely meet a friend who will understand you and support you no matter what happens. Till then you have lots of friends here like me. You can share your feelings here. We all understand cause we also go through it. And forget about those people, they were below your standard.

You are more important to yourself than those harmful ones.

Give some time to yourself. Look in the mirror. If you feel crying, then cry it all out.

Stand there for yourself, others will support you back.

discreetGrapefruit945 February 22nd, 2022


And go out for sometime with yourself and nature.

Tracey12345 February 26th, 2022

I am sorry to hear about this problem with your friend and it was kind of you to be there when she reached out to you again.. but it must be hard as things seem to be going wrong again.. what will you do?