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RelaxedRex December 14th, 2021

Last year around this time I went through a rough brake up with someone after dating for over a year and a half. It was a hard time as I found out she was dating my friend and even started dating him while we were still going out.

Recently I just go out another brake up. The person was a narcissist and the relationship was on and off, it was hard and messed with me a lot emotionally.

Neither of these relationships ended well and even in the 'good' times it was hard on me.

These two bad experiences have started to put me off dating and started to make me worry whoever I get closer to I'm just gonna get hurt by them and they'd leave.

There's someone else I thought I've grown affectionate for, their kind funny and show affection backx but I don't feel the way I use to feel when this happened, I just feel like there's nothing there and pointless trying.

DrivenKoalas December 14th, 2021


Hey Rex, relationships can be hard to get into and harder to sustain. It is daunting to entertain the idea of pursuing a new one when your previous experiences are less than ideal. I suggest you turn inwards first. Maybe try to analyse why it happened what happened. If you could have done something differently, would the outcome be any different? Every relationship is a learning experience. I hope you find out more about yourself and may this person turns out to be the "right kind" who can love, respect and treat you well.

P.S. If you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me.

Take care and Stay well.