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nooploop June 29th, 2021

My ex and I agreed to be friends after a relationship of three years. I feel like I lost my everything. I lost part of myself in this breakup. I’m grateful to have him in my life still but I love him so much. Is it possible to still be friends even though we love each other?

enthusiasticPenguin1912 June 29th, 2021

Hey, first off I hope you’re doing and coping well. I don’t know exactly how you feel but I can sympathize. I recently went through a break up with my boyfriend of 3 years and it was awful. He was my first real, authentic, relationship and even though we broke up over a year ago, sometimes it still hurts. I would advise against being friends right now, as that sounds extremely painful emotionally, especially if you both still have feelings for eachother. But perhaps with time, you two can reconnect and develop a healthy friendship! I just want you to know that you’ll get through this and I’m here for you, whether that’s to listen or just you taking comfort in the fact that someone else has an idea what you’re going through. It’ll get better with time, and you’ll heal. Wishing you all the best. 💛

Orthrus June 29th, 2021


It is possible to be friends after a breakup but personally, I'd agree with @enthusiasticPenguin1912. It is bitterly hard to try and continue to be friends immediately after the breakup and may be better if you first allowed yourself and your ex some time to heal.

Breakups are very much similar to the mourning process when a loved one passes away. For me, what makes it harder, is that the person is still around and if the mourning process is particularly difficult I may well try to rekindle the relationship, prematurely and end up hurting each other even further by having to break up once more. This could also potentially jeapordise the possibility of being friends later on.

Give it some time and allow yourselves to heal before trying to reconnect as friends.