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I'm still Angry and emotional about this!! 😞

User Profile: funnyWheel2106
funnyWheel2106 February 21st, 2022

I really don't know where to begin with this story. It's honestly hard to talk about but here goes.

In 2016, my boyfriend admitted that he cheated on me with his first baby mama. What made it worse was that it took him FOUR YEARS to say it to my face and at that time we weren't together, but the pain was all too real, and it really hurt me. The incident happened in 2012. In his words and I quote "We were alone in my room, and I kissed her. I instantly regretted doing that and I felt so messed up" and about twenty minutes after that happened, he seen I was trying to call him on his cell phone and he purposedly ignored me. Back then I assumed he was busy helping his mom or dad. He said they only kissed and that was it.

Fast forward to 2017-2018. I got a screenshot from a person on her friends list, and it had stated that she (BM) had another secret to expose of what they both did when they were alone that day. I read that fb status and omg I immediately bawled. Apparently, she had sex with him several times. Seeing that written, it really had me questioning everything about him.

Over the past few years, I have tried to ask him about it an well he would get mad at me each time. So I ended up quitting but now it's been 10 years and this memory/thought keeps creeping up every so often and it continues on making me extremely emotional :( I don't know what to do ? I WANT THE TRUTH BUT I KNOW HE WON'T TELL ME..

User Profile: halcyonCloud2036
halcyonCloud2036 February 21st, 2022


You are a really strong person. Just hearing your story makes me feel upset so I cannot imagine living with it and putting in back of your mind all of this time.

With that being said, I can tell that you really care about him because you chose to stay with him even after finding out the truth. At this point, I think you have to accept that it happened and it was/is painful, but in order to move forward, you have to put it behind you. Otherwise, it will continue to creep into your heart and mind and sabotage the relationship that you have now.

For clarity, I am not condoning what he did, but I think if you truly want this relationship to continue (and save your own sanity), you can't keep looking back. If talking about it one last time and then putting it to rest is what you need, explain that to him and let him that this is what YOU need for closure.

Sending you positive vibes for clarity and peace❤️