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How do I trust him?

User Profile: PinkIsPurple8691
PinkIsPurple8691 December 29th, 2021

Together 6 years, married 4 of them 4 years ago after our wedding a few months in to married life, he was in an auto accident I used his phone and went to close all programs and noticed a file opened the file had naked woman in it confronted him and he didn’t say anything, me being me I started to cry and walked away ,3.5 years he didn’t come to me for sex the dr said give him time after his accident so I did. Now I find out all that time he been looking at these pictures and rubbing on out as he put it in our last argument, and tonight I caught him again after we talk and I told him delete the pictures if you want to be with me. Not a hard choice we been working on being more intimate again and now this I don’t know what to do? I don’t know if I can trust him or what he says. He will be in to see a dr of psychology in Feb, but what do I do til then. Tired of the tear and lies.

User Profile: halcyonCloud2036
halcyonCloud2036 December 29th, 2021


I can hear your pain. Trust is so important and once lost, it feels irreparable, but you can work on it if you are both willing to try.

At some point, you will see if he is willing to give up that habit to save his relationship with you. If he is not able to do that, then you will have your answer. You deserve to feel secure, desired and loved.

Sending you vibes for strength, healing and happiness.

User Profile: greenBranch6544
greenBranch6544 December 29th, 2021

I am so with you girlfriend! My marriage of 34 years is in jeopardy for the same reasons more or less. I caught my husband talking to other women on line and telling them how he"just ended a 34 year marriage and it didn't end well." It was like daggers through my heart. I have stood by him through many off his screw ups but this really has me dying inside. Resently I saw him masterbating to a movie and I hear him in the shower but he has made no attempted to be with me. The times I engage he can't get it up. Makes me feel very unwanted. Like the only reason he is still here is cuz I do everything for him and the grandkids so why would he give that up. You know what I mean?