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helloCity5743 September 22nd, 2021

My partner left me for a girl he said never to worry about... we had do many ups and downs we had so many plans and now he left me its just a week ago when he promised he will never love me that he loves me more than anything and now i just cant accept that he abused me and left me... i feel like my heart is drowning in sorrow

wolfie6669 September 22nd, 2021

I've gone through break ups similar to yours where I believed I'd be with the person forever. I didn't think anyone else would love me. I ended up bumping into a new partner 2 years later who loves and understands me better than any previous partner. The same will happen to you. Get through this. Do things everyday to ensure you're moving forwards and you'll make it through even stronger at the other end.

QuietMagic September 23rd, 2021


That's really hopeful. ๐Ÿ’œ I'm glad things have worked out and thanks for sharing that it's possible for there to be better people/experiences to look forward to.

QuietMagic September 23rd, 2021


That sorrow is so understandable... he promised that he would never leave and said that he loved you more than anything, and you had planned so much of your future/life around him, and yet he ended up abandoning/betraying you. ๐Ÿ’œ

If you're looking for someone to talk with, HERE is a list of experienced listeners vetted by the community who accept 1-on-1 chats on breakups.