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Am I gonna end up alone??

Laraaa12 December 18th, 2020

I think, I really enjoy my time alone. I've tried to be with someone but all in my thoughts is guy just wanted to sleep with me. And i get irritated when im nearby a guy. Can't stand for a couple days. Am I gonna spend rest of my life alone? I feel like I don't need any guy. Is it because i get used to be alone for long time? Also I find really difficult to sexually attracted to guy :( am I normal?

Peacefulgardens December 19th, 2020

@Laraaa12 It seems like you're not as attracted to guys as you'd expect someone in a relationship to be but loneliness and wondering if you're normal is completely natural. I think that it's completely okay to be alone if that's how you feel happy, whether if it's just for the time being or in general, being able to enjoy your own company and find love in friendship is a wonderful thing.

Do you think there's any possibility you're attracted to women? What do you think of the chances that you may be asexual or aromantic? Doing research on being asexual or aromantic may benefit you a lot since those terms define a lack of sexual attraction (asexual) and a lack of romantic attraction (aromantic)... There's many people who are asexual but in a romantic relationship and lead happy lives! Whatever feels right to you is valid and it's okay if you just want to explore these topics privately till you feel comfortable coming out.

Sending you love and positive energy!