Intimacy in a long distance marriage
I've been married for 5 years and have been away from my husband for a year now, though we talk everyday on video calls, but i want to be more intimate with him, how do i tell him ? He may not accept... i miss him somuch, my believe does not accept masturbation, so i will feel guilty if i go solo. Any advice?
@Chrisjoy I never really heard of long-distance marriage I reckon it's hard for you both maybe try to save up money to see him but with covid 19 not sure how easy that would be usually if I am anxious over something or I hyperfocus over stuff I journal or talk to my therapist good luck.
Hi--here are a couple resources I was able to find that have some tips for how to maintain sexual intimacy/satisfaction in a long-distance relationship. Depending on your beliefs, possibly some of the suggestions in these links might not feel like options or things you're willing to do, so of course you're welcome to reject anything that doesn't feel comfortable.
In general, I'd suggest possibly talking about this with your husband and trying to work together to come up with a solution that feels like it satisfies both of your needs.