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I have some sex problems related to my anxiety

MrProsper July 25th, 2021

I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the past year and i started to experience sexual problems. At the beginning of the anxiety i couldn’t have any kind of sexual activity, it felt inappropriate, it felt wrong. Now after therapy, cbt, etc i still can’t enjoy it, i couldn’t say it’s bad, but i just couldn’t enjoy it. My wife was really supportive at the beginning, but i understand that she has a limit. Could anyone experienced smth similar?

PsychStew July 25th, 2021

I have a similar experience. I have a hard time enjoying sex. I suffer from panic attacks and extreme anxiety related to c-ptsd and more recently ocd. I find it hard to unwind and enjoy good things. Often I want to have sex with my husband and make an intimate connection between us but then I just feel gross during the process. More recently he has started new medications and is also having sexual dysfunction so this area of our relationships is being sort of neglected because we both don’t really know what to do about it. It can be tough and draining.

MrProsper OP July 26th, 2021

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s hard to fight with anxiety and i’m sure that with time the sex will become great again. In my case i feel like i did a lot of progress, i still can’t enjoy things that i loved in the past, but i guess it’s a whole process. Be patient to your husband, together i’m sure you can beat whatever may come your way.

Cranberryblues October 5th, 2021

It looks like you need to continue therapy and try to get down to the root of your anxiety. Performance anxiety is a very real problem among men, and while it looks like that may part of your issue, there's probably deeper problems that you can resolve with the help of therapy and medication and talking to your wife so that she can help you help yourself. There's nothing to be ashamed of, we all need help sometimes, it's OK to ask for help, and if you need medication for your anxiety then that is definitely OK too. Best of luck to you.