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What I want

SolarGenerator March 18th, 2023

I want a relationship where the relationship is about the person and the person isn't more into the relationship.
I want a relationship that reflects what I had, where love can be freely expressed and explored. Boldly, passionately, mindfully.
I want a relationship that is not just physical and emotional, but spiritual too. Together, I want to explore the depths and heights of awareness.

I want a relationship where we can build together. Where we're more together than individually summed. Where things can be achieved that last after death, including each other.

I want a relationship of God

Sleepwalkermw March 20th, 2023


Dear Cactus,

I deeply understand where you are coming from mentally while writing this post. I can also sense a lot of pain you were experiencing. Your wishes are highly relatable and such a relationship is somewhat of a ideal many people are striving for.

Don't lose hope. I am sure that you will find the one you are praying for and wanting so badly. You deserve to give yourself anything you have ever wanted in life... I encourage you to have faith in yourself and the world that with some patience, you will be at the place you wanted in life and with the person you imagined for yourself ❤️ Take care and speak kindly to yourself ❤️

SolarGenerator OP March 24th, 2023

Thank you for the reply

SolarGenerator OP March 24th, 2023

I'd like to associate more with people who want to talk about the ideal relationship