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LoganMeow01 October 3rd, 2022

This guy I like and have been going out with for two months said he needed to think about if he wants to keep seeing me. He said he doesn't think he will have the time for a relationship. He said this on Friday. I sent him a text yesterday asking what he specifically wanted in terms of space to think and he didn't respond. I had asked him if I could go to church with him and he said he needed to think about it.

This guy is in grad school. I'm still in my undergrad. I'd be willing to work around his schedule.

SunriseSunset88 October 3rd, 2022

@LoganMeow01 Relationships are hard. Communication can be hard. I think we have all been in the situation you are in, where you are not sure what to do next. It is not easy.

I see church in your post, so I would say pray. Pray gives clarity to so many. Then when you are able to talk with this guy, listen to what he is saying (sometimes we listen to hear, sometimes we listen to hear what we want to hear....see the difference?) See if he is able to communicate what's in his mind/heart. Also remember all successful relationships have to go two ways. It is important to flex for the people we care about, they also have to be willing to flex for us.

I wish you the best of luck in this journey, and much happiness.