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Tired...just venting right now.

carefulBeach5245 February 28th, 2021

It's been 12 years. I'm tired of constantly making the sacrifices. Tired of being told "well I work" etc. I hate the constant tug of war I have with myself with wanting to stay or leave. If Ieave I could be free to breathe but it will also mean missing him. Plus who am I kidding. I don't have the funds to live in my own with 3 kids. I don't know anymore. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. It's the same routine day in and day out. We have never broken up. We've always been together even through the fights. I was never allowed to go out by myself and hang out with friends if I didn't take the kids with me but he was always allowed to go alone.

Asher March 1st, 2021

Thank you for sharing this with us here.

Prettyallie7 March 4th, 2021

If you're married he should have to pay alimony in the case of a divorce. But what it comes down to is putting your foot down. Also forcing him into your shoes for a day definitely works sometimes. My dad spent one week driving my younger siblings to and from school and immediately had a new and more reasonable perspective. If he can't see your side of things he doesn't deserve you and isn't a good role model for your children