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Should I stay or should I go???

fairmindedWisteria3450 April 16th, 2021

Hi!! I'm going through a rough patch with my boyfriend and I really need advice. We've been together for a year and a half and it all has been wonderful and he is the sweetest guy ever but a few months ago it all started to go down because I had a knee surgery and he wasn't very supportive and attentive with me. He didn't call me or asked me how I was doing which really made me mad. After a few weeks we talked and he said he was so sorry. We agreed that we will try to talk and call each other often but everything is the same!! Either am studying or he is and when we say we will talk at an specific hour nothing happens. My friends say that we should try to talk and clarify things again, and if it doesn't work then it's better to break up but I don't know. On one hand I still care about him and what we had was so beautiful that I somehow think we can fix the problem. But on the other hand I am this empowered girl that knows her worth and doesn't let anyone disrespect her or take her for granted, so that part of me is telling me to break up and move on. What do you guys think? I really need advice. 😵

pinkMap4438 April 22nd, 2021

Hello Think about what you want in relationship. Are you happy the way things are going now? It is up to you on what kind of relationship you want. Is communication important to you?