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My boyfriend or my sister

fairmindedBanana6038 July 27th, 2022

Me and my little sister have both liked the same guy for about 3 years. Everyone including him knows that she likes him but no one knows that I have also liked him the whole time. He recently told me that he has been in love with me for 3 years and I told him I feel the same. We are now secretly dating. How do I tell my sister? Can I tell my sister? What do I do?

magicalOcean594 July 27th, 2022


Hi fair<3
I have read and understood your post, and I'm sorry to hear that there is some similar likes going on with you and your little sister. Have you thought about what the conversation with her might look like if you told her about you and this guy?

I hope it works itself out, please dont hesitate to message me further on this issue<3

fairmindedBanana6038 OP July 27th, 2022

I have not put much thought into what the conversation would be like cause the thought of telling her scares me. But, I suppose that I could just explain to her that I’ve liked him the whole time but once I found that she liked him I chose to back off and not say anything but now that I know he feels the same way about me and I have liked him for so long that I don’t want to lose him. I’m not sure. Help would be greatly appreciated for ideas on how to tell her.