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My bf wants to be poly and I’m monogamous

sensibleNickel9347 December 23rd, 2020

Hi so I'll just get to it. Idk what to do or how to feel. My bf has been friends with his ex from years back. He's still kinda in love with her and always has been. Anyways he's always kinda wanted another gf (for us to have all a relationship). He brought up he wants to be a throuple with her. I don't want her. I don't want him to be with her. But I want to be with him and not give him up. I brought up him and her having their own separate relationship from ours (even though it's not what I want. I just don't wanna be selfish and I don't wanna give him up. Like he's poly and I don't feel like I alone am enough to fill his heart). He says he thinks it wouldn't work and would be too much trouble/someone would end up getting hurt. I'm already hurt and I feel like she's always been it for him and I'm just.... here holding him back from true happiness. Idk he says I'm enough and he loves me. But when he won't give her up and he wants to be poly so bad in general. I just can't really believe him...... idk what to do or how to feel. I'm destroyed right now. Please any poly people weigh in and help me....

starrySky2078 December 23rd, 2020

@sensibleNickel9347 I am not poly, however, your feelings are relevant. And your needs are also important if you are not feeling comfortable, or you do not want to be in a poly relationship you don't have to be in one. It seems you really care about your boyfriend however if you don't want to have the same realtionship goal that's important to keep in mind if you go along with it without wanting that type of relationship it will cause even more issues and resentment. It's not an easy position you are in I wish you the best of luck, I hope you don't settle for your own happiness on an issue that you feel so strongly about.

Jones87Girl December 23rd, 2020

@sensibleNickel9347 I'm in a poly relationship currently and don't want to be. I struggle with the same issues your having ( not feeling like enough ect.) My advice is to get out of the relationship now while your still just dating. The best way to love someone sometimes is to let them go if you don't want to live that lifestyle.

resourcefulOwl7361 December 23rd, 2020

@sensibleNickel9347 hi! I am not poly but I just want to say you are absolutely enough and him wanting you to be poly has nothing to do with you. I believe relationships take compromises and sacrifices but I think wanting to be poly is a deal breaker issue. You sound like a loving person and you deserve the type of love you want. I am so sorry you're going through this and I'm sending you positive vibes 💕

Jflack324 December 25th, 2020


I am not poly. And I only know the situation from what is said here, so what I say might not even be relevant. Love is so much more than just a feeling. It's a commitment. A choice to do what's best for someone Feelings fade after years in all relationships, but sometimes two people cannot meet each other's needs anymore. Don't stay in a situation where neither of you are happy if neither of you can fix that. If you are monogamous you deserve someone who is also monogamous.

Jflack324 December 25th, 2020


I also just want to clarify I am not against polyamory. But in order for it to be healthy, all parties have to be 100% on board, and this case, it doesn't seem like you are.

tidyWriter8396 December 25th, 2020


I'm not poly but I just wanted to offer hugs. This sounds super tough for you. From the standpoint of monogamy, you want the two of you to be each other's world. That's a feeling that I want to validate and encourage you to express. It means a lot for your long term happiness.