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Marriage & Mental Health Issues

legalscooby July 3rd, 2021

I'll try to make a long story short. I have always known that my wife struggles with depression and anxiety. I do as well. We have always been very supportive of one another. About two years ago my wife lost her mom. They had a very complicated relationship and the death hit her really hard. It took a toll on her mentally. She stopped sleeping due to night terrors and as a result of that her behavior was just a mess (irrational thoughts, hearing voices, paranoia). After she slept she was normal again. She recently had two friends pass away, and we are about to lose my father to cancer. As a result of my dad's illness, we are actually moving into my parents home to help them out. Lately her behavior has been unpredictable again. She is sleeping so that isn't the problem. She is very irritable out of the blue, paranoid at times, always on the defensive thinking that someone is blaming her for something wrong. When trying to discuss anything, she turns the tables to make it seem like I am the one overreacting. I love my wife and I want to support her as much as I can, but this situation feels overwhelming. I feel like everything I do or say is wrong. Any advice or words of wisdom are very much appreciated.

mathetmess July 3rd, 2021


Thank you for sharing. I'm glad that you are here. The first thing I can say is … this sounds very serious and I would personally be hesitant to make any suggestions. The best thing I could say is … please consider consulting a professional. Even if you can't go together, go alone and say what you ssid here. Or, even if you can't go in person, send them what you sent here. I sincerely wish you well. You are brave and dedicated and I'm impressed.

Best wishes.