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Distance Effects?

BrokenWingsThatFly August 13th, 2021

Hello all. I've been dating a guy long distance 3 years. We thought that we would be physically together and married by now but we aren't due to circumstances such as covid...and he's getting very frustrated. He never admits to the anger and frustration but he starts taking it out on me. Yelling at me ...calling me bitch etc... He says he never argued so much in his last relationships and he says that its my fault. I cause his anger and he's better and happier without me ... I stop talking to him a few days and he doesnt even message me. When I do reach out to say that I am having a life threatening medical procedure tomorrow, he says he doesn't care since we aren't dating anymore. I don't know what to do..

Whatehe August 13th, 2021

thank you so much for sharing that. Honestly, I’m saying this as a guy who has been in multiple relationships, your long distance ex-boyfriend’s bad attitude is a blessing in disguise. He does not seem honest & someone worthy of your love and compassion. Imagine if you married someone like this, he’d call you a bitch in front of your children & that’s not a life you want your kids to be raised in seeing everyday. You only have one life, and in the moment you have to break out of this negative cycle. Do know your next relationship will be so much better, that you’ll be surprised a boyfriend could be so nice & loving. I’m here for you :)

Whatehe August 13th, 2021

And you need positivity as you get through this life threatening medical procedure, but you can do it. Have faith in yourself, you sound like a person of great inner strength