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Being emotional unavailable

KamthaJam February 22nd, 2022

My wife and have been together for 6 years and married 3 years. I’m trying to understand how I can be more emotionally invested. I want to be supportive of her. But I don’t have much experience on being emotionally supportive. I also don’t know how to Stan duo and support myself emotionally my so I’ve been practicing that lately. I just want to be able to help her also. I know that hurts her.

any advice?

halcyonCloud2036 February 22nd, 2022


I just want to say, the fact that you recognize this about yourself and want to improve is really awesome! I read a great book about learning how our partners (and other important people in our lives) need to receive love from us to feel appreciated and cared about. It is called the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.

I'll summarize to give you an idea of what the 5 love languages are:

1) Words of affirmation - verbal communication expressing love & appreciation

2) Physical touch - sexual and non-sexual to show love

3) Quality time - focused time spent together without distractions

4) Acts of service - anything that can ease the burden of responsibility or show that you listen and care

5) Receiving gifts - physical symbols that show love and effort

Maybe this is a great opportunity to have a conversation with your wife and find out how what makes her feel more loved. If nothing else, it is a great place to start. You could even get the book and read it together for some bonus points 😍

Don't stop trying, I love that you love her so much! All the best to you!

Ali282 February 22nd, 2022


I agree with the previous reply! I think its amazing that you love your wife so much so that you are looking at ways to better your relationship with her

I would definitely say quality time and asking her more questions about herself will allow you to understand her better emotionally and perhaps she will better understand you too

the best way to go about it is communication!

all the best 😊