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Well, I wasn't crazy.

LittleJadeFlower July 9th, 2023

Well, in November I created a post asking if I was crazy. There was this guy who kept being a little flirtatious but it was never anything huge, till it was. he would pat me, high-five me, and get all close to me and that's when I thought I went insane (all while dating my friend who was not my friend at the time). Then he started hugging me, emailing me, and when I got a phone, texting me(again, while dating). Then a regional dance happened and he asked me to dance. I said yes and we talked and hung out and danced. During the dance, he looked at me in a way that I can't fully describe but I have never been looked at with such intensity and care. I'm not sure if he was dating at this time but I don't think he was, I would never purposely dance with another girl's guy. Anyway, then he would text me daily and I felt so special. I also have no clue how to act around guys I like so I was really anxious and I don't want to be some guys rebound. Then he hurt my friend. I wouldn't have cared if it had been me but he hurt my friend, someone I love more than my own life. he hurt her and I hate him for it. So I told him to never do that again and that I don't like that he hugs me when he is with someone. He said that he wasn't with anyone but ok and now I rarely text him. I still like him. I like him so much that sometimes it hurts. But he hurt her. And he got back with his ex. I was never his first choice, just an option if they didn't work out. He made me go from hating myself to at least being kinda happy to wishing I would die. Now I care so much for the girl he is with which makes me hate him so much more because she is way too good for him, but yeah. At least I wasn't crazy.

(the post about me thinking I was crazy: )

LittleJadeFlower OP July 9th, 2023

Also, I try not to text him at all but it's hard and I absolutely hate that it's hard so I do what I can to stop myself except block him. I changed his contact name so it would be harder to find and whenever I think about texting him I text one of my friends instead and I try to not care even tho I obviously do.