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Stressed about something.

User Profile: SaturniidSys
SaturniidSys September 17th, 2024

I think I might be jealous. There's been drama going on with someone who I thought was a friend but tried to break apart my relationship that I care deeply for. My partner and I are still together, and I am no longer communicating nor want to communicate with this friend. yet... my partner is still in contact with them. Which would normally be fine, I'll let my partner be friends with whoever. But this person nearly broke me, nearly broke us up. they've done a lot of bad things I heard from former mutual friends. And I want my partner to be happy, but after what just happened, I don't know. Not to mention I heard from one of my friends that this person is trying to steal my partner from me. I don't know what to believe anymore. I just want this to stop.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 September 24th, 2024


When we have an issue and are being advised from friends etc, they  are telling you things that may or may not be exaggerated etc.   it is not always the full picture.   

If you truly believe this person is a threat to your relationship then perhaps you should speak to your partner.... If this person tried to break you up or did things to you i would ask why your partner wants to be friends with this person. It is not about telling them whom they can be friends with or hang out with or taking sides but having a clear picture of this person. 

Waiting until something else happens is only going to be trouble .... most things we do not want to tackle are solved easier when we are proactive