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Rumination On Fools, BEGONE

SwanOfAges May 28th, 2023

Now I’ve been saying I’m not going to post here anymore because of my own concerns about my account being found… HOWEVER. It is 2am, none of my people are awake, I need somewhere to rant with the possibility of being seen 🥸

I have a really important presentation due tomorrow. I should be working on that right now, what am I doing instead?? Worrying about someone who isn’t even in my life anymore. OH MY GAWWWWD, get out of my brain!! 🤦‍♀️

Never have I been so disrespected by someone in my life. I always strive to have good relationships but THIS situation was unbearable. So why in God’s name am I still putting myself through this misery?!

I’m about to pull an Eternal Sunshine and get some Memory Erasing Device or something…

Heather225 May 31st, 2023


how did the exam go??