My relationship
Hello guys
I was feeling so overwhelmed and I wanted to share my story so that I can hear some other people's opinions.. maybe you can help me or I can feel better.
So I have a boyfriend.
My parents are pretty strict, that's our culture.. so for them to have perfect relationship with my boyfriend will happen only in marriage.. until then they are pretty distant.
My boyfriend doesn't like this and he only says that his parents treat me perfectly but mine are distant and stuff like that..
I can't change my parents, they already have done changes that is too much for them. I can't change that it's out of my hands.
My boyfriend says that if I don't change that then we'll break up. Which really makes me sad.. and really pressures me since I can do something.
We are together three years
What's your opinion on that?
I am sorry no one has responded yet...
it is unrealistic for your BF to expect others to be as welcoming as his parents .... why don't you and BF try to view from your parents perspective..... maybe they do not like him ...but are ignoring and keeping distance as to not either influence you or have you cling on to bf harder to spite them? tons of family issues caused by this sort of thing.
also from experience I made every Gf/ bf feel welcome like they were to be family and then IF it did not work and i was expected to forget them .... i guess dislike them like my child does now and embrace the next one... NOT as easy as it may sound....
Many parents like yours want to KNOW it is solid and leading to marriage ... before making the commitment to embracing them.
Imagine those who do treat them as family and then things do not work .... the next person they dislike and then it be comes " what ever happened to that one.... " or if the one they dislike ends up married and he feels your parents liked your last BF better....