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Living together after breakup

Waldicemo August 4th, 2023

I've never been in this situation.. and frankly I'm not handling it very well.. it's currently 430 in the morning and I can't sleep.. I so desperately want to go crawl into bed with her but she wants nothing to do with me..

Living here is becoming unbearable but I can't just leave...

Has anyone else had to do this? Is there anything I can do for my own sanity? I've already started secluding myself in the spare bedroom but I don't wanna live like this for the next 10 months of the lease....

toughTiger6481 August 4th, 2023


If you are now roommates act like it not hide or seclude yourself in a bedroom share the common areas and interact like the roommates you are .......until lease is over....

what you do or she does is no longer an issue .......if you think she wants nothing to do with you the quickest way to be sure is show her you are ready to move on as roommates.

If you have not discussed roommate boundaries to solidify that do it ... ask about your dating and bringing someone home etc...... if she is still with any interest she will know it is time to get that straight ASAP.

hopefulPond6108 August 5th, 2023

@Waldicemo I imagine you might be handling this in somewhat the same way if you were living across town. You would be wondering what she’s doing, checking her social media, wishing you could be close to her. So maybe flip this around in your head. You don’t have to suffer a straight up cold turkey breakup. It’s going to take some extra effort on your part to move on, but be grateful you have shelter. Move on mentally and get comfortable being on your own. If she sees that, it might just mean you have another shot, BUT DO NOT keep that as the only possibility for your future. You are where you are where you are, period, full stop. Man up! Plan, plan for your life. Do something for YOU and stop thinking she is the only thing that will fill your life. Huge challenge, but it can also be a great opportunity for self growth and future opportunity.