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Im confused if im inlove

moniS0 February 8th


im (girl) probably inlove w my best friend (girl). We talk a lot and we spend time together a lot too. We are friends 4+ years.

now we started living together and im loving our time together, we spend a lot of time doing stuffs together. few months ago she met someone and now she is talking to him more and they most likely like each other. i think they will end up together, the situation is hard but i think they will soon.

And i really want rhe best for her, i would die for her bcos she is really an awesome person.. but at the same time it kills me to know that she likes someone else and she talks about him, smiles at his messages.. now she is even spending some time at work and im at home alone. i also have friends, but i just love being w her..

im realising i probably have deeper feeling for her, i dont know if its love or what.. but i feel anxious a lot.

2 years ago i felt like that too and i told her (drunk) i probably like her more, she told me she loves me like bestie and that was it. i told her haha i was drunk.

But now, i feel this again.. we werent in relationships, so the first time not being just two of us is scaring me.

If there is someone in similar situation, feel free to text me. we can discuss it haha. i need to talk about it.

But i know i wont tell her.

toughTiger6481 February 11th


It sounds like you told her and she said friends only and you played off you were drunk..... 

are you holding out hope she will change her mind?    do you have or avoid making new friends or possible relationships because of this? 

we all have relationship some friends and some romantic that we love spending time with each other and enjoy each others company .... and IF they find other friends or a bf/gf  and our time becomes less and less we are a bit jealous and we do not want to give up the time we valued sharing with them ...but is more for us and our seeing maybe we should make other connections also...... 

attachment is tricky that way sometimes it is more one sided .....