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Difference in opinion: is this a deal breaker?

SakuraBlossom23 November 15th, 2023

Today, my (30s) boyfriend (30s) told me that “we’re never having kids” because of my openness to speaking about transgenderism to my future kids. He seems to view anything beyond LGB as a form of mental disorder and sees the growing number of LGBTQA+ community as “pushing agendas” and “making everyone weak”—they was he phrases certain issues around this topic hurts me sometimes since I identify as a bisexual/pansexual woman (new to the terms since my country is traditionally binary).

toughTiger6481 November 15th, 2023


Many reasons some decide to not have kids ,,,,did you discuss it ? 

 perhaps he has other reasons as well,  but this point you do not agree with?    if that was the only reason it seems narrow minded  but you should really discuss with him deeper to see if it was just said in a moment. People change sometimes if they have first hand experience they see any stereotype they may have is not the reality

SakuraBlossom23 OP November 15th, 2023

We both want kids but he stated no other reason for why we shouldn’t have them together except for my “openness to the—TQA+” … so I started questioning whether or not this relationship was even something worth working through if he has such strong beliefs on something he’s not experiencing as a straight guy. It’s starting to paint a picture of him in my head as a person who speaks as if he’s the whole world is weaker than him.