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navyAcai8433 June 8th, 2023

If there are a few words or more you want to write to any person in this entire world (alive or dead), you can pen them down here. It can be a paragraph long or one word, as per your wish. It has always helped me to do so, hence if you want to, please join in! ♥️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 8th, 2023


This is an awesome activity, penning the unsaid often helps, if not more "actively", it works as a let-out, and does something atleast heh.❤

I'll keep the sappy part for my journal! XD

But to everyone reading, it's so okay to feel as you do. You have a place in the world and as much you might feel it doesn't make a difference whatsoever, it does, whether you want to believe it right now or not.

Thank you for being here, for holding on, for being you. Good days don't come, good days are made, so while it's the cliche thing to say "good days are coming for you" (and I hope they do), I'd like to remind you that you deserve everything good, and you have all the potential to make whatever day you're in, a good one.

It's not to affirm that every day has something good, because some days are super awful and the brightest, most fine tuned happy bot too cannot find anything good in it, and that's okay also.

Somedays we aren't meant to find anything good or feel good, and that's okay also, we aren't "supposed" to be anything, other than being *human*, and being human means whatever *you* are, feeling human means whatever *you* feel.

So be you, do you, and feel you. You're allowed to *be*, you're allowed to *do* and you're allowed to *feel*. Sending love your way. ❤

navyAcai8433 OP June 9th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou that's a beautiful message! Thank you for your words ❤️ just reading them has made me feel so comforted and more positive! Thanks Sun ☀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 9th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 Aww I'm sooo happy to hear that! Sending more positive vibes your way, Navy! ❤

navyAcai8433 OP June 9th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you!! Sending positive vibes right back 🥺❤️❤️

Barltik2065 June 11th, 2023

Nice message!

Appreciate idea and can place myself

navyAcai8433 OP July 6th, 2023

@Barltik2065 glad to know ❤️