hi guys so 2 days ago i confronted my friends about me feeling left out in a gc with all 3 of us (myself included) and they lowkey ganged up on me saying that i shouldnt expect them to go always come to me and that i come to them that i understand but then they started to say that i changed and that i was never like this last year and that they never understood why im suddenly like this and i wanted to tell them that i always left lowkey left out because they were a duo for like 2 years and i also wanted to say that they didnt invite me to disney like im fine with that like i get that but the thing was one of the girls used my name because she knew she had a higher chance to go if she lied to her mom saying i would go since our moms are friends and my mom told me that and i really dont like that since i didnt get an invite and mf litearlly used my name like tf and i wanted to tell them that but i didnt wanna add enough fuel to the fire (and they started to gaslight me according to my friend but that idk) and after that i lowkey issued an apology and they just liked the message so idk what to do because i wanna lowkey like fix *** but like ya its kinda hard now since the gc is dead and they prob talking bout me in private dms so idk what to do please give me suggestions or advice i would really appreciate it thank you